Tags Orthodox

Tag: Orthodox

Letters to the Editor: Shadal, Hazarat Ha-Shatz, and Modern Orthodox Outreach

Today, we share letters to the editor by Ephraim Chamiel, Steven Gotlib, and Moshe Kurtz.

Is Modern Orthodox Kiruv Possible?

Steven Gotlib explores Modern Orthodoxy’s strengths and weaknesses with regard to Kiruv.

Modern Orthodox Jews Should Be Trailblazers in Holocaust Education

As we commemorate Yom HaShoah, Shay Pilnik urges us to add a Modern Orthodox voice to a discourse increasingly dominated by secular perspectives.

Apres Moi: Religious Jews after Trump

What is President Trump’s legacy for Orthodox Jews? Shalom Carmy, taking stock of the past four years, considers religious liberty, Israel policy, and the bitter polarization that dominates American politics

Is Remix Judaism for Everyone?

Steven Gotlib reviews Roberta Rosenthal Kwall’s book Remix Judaism, which has an important message about navigating Jewish practice in the modern world for non-Orthodox and Orthodox Jews alike.

A Eulogy for Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: Teaching us how to take...

At the Orthodox Union in 1997, Rabbi Sacks first developed the theme that there are 2 Torot: Torat Kohanim and Torat Nevi'im. Nathan Diament shares from that talk, interwoven with personal reflections on Rabbi Sacks' optimism and his insightful use of Jewish jokes.

American Orthodox Jews Can and Should Care About Whether Liberal Judaism...

Roberta Kwall weighs in on the state of non-Orthodox Judaism and how it affects Orthodoxy.

How Should a Diverse Urban Congregation Select a Siddur?

David Wolkenfeld ponders his synagogue's next choice in siddur.

Rationalism, Mysticism, and the “Off-the-Derekh” Phenomenon

Gavi Kutliroff There is a popular misconception that Modern Orthodox teenagers abandon halakhic observance because of a pubescent pattern of rebellion and disdain for authority...

Personalizing Torah for Today’s Student: Lessons from Israel

Jay Goldmintz adds his voice to the discussion on Modern Orthodox Talmud Curriculum.