The “Between-the-Lines” Faith of Rabbi Hershel Schachter

Zev Eleff takes us through the theology of one of American Orthodoxy much-discussed but less-analyzed rabbinic leaders, at least from this point of view.

The Soul of Man Under Postmodernism: Further comments on Rav Shagar’s contribution

Shalom Carmy The last couple of weeks have brought two worthwhile assessments of Rav Shagar’s Faith Shattered and Restored: Judaism in the Postmodern Age, Matt Lubin’s...

There Is Nothing New Under the Sun: A Reply to Gil Perl

In response to Gil Perl's Postmodern Orthodoxy, Gidon Rothstein asks for another look at Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein and the limits of pluralism and what we consider "truth."

On Racism and the Torah

Is the Mishnah racist? To answer the question, begs Elli Fischer, is to get a better understanding of both Judaism and Race

In Search of Modern Orthodoxy

In introducing his embrace of Rav Shagar, Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl details his personal journey of being initially excited, then disappointed with the writings of our...

Racism and Religious Particularism: A Corrective Antidote

Do Jewish texts teach racism? It depends on how you read them, answers Chaim Trachtman.

Postmodern Orthodoxy: Giving Voice to a New Generation

Gil Perl draws from Rav Shagar to argue that "Postmodern Orthodoxy turns its gaze inward toward the conflicts raging within the individual as he or she seeks out meaning and strives for relevance.

Are Modern Orthodox Jews More Comfortable with Mysticism or Anthropomorphism?

This siddur, Yaakov Jaffe argues, is where to look to find out what Orthodox Jews believe.

The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar

Zach Truboff on Rav Shagar, Israeli Post-Modernism and American Modern Orthodox Judaism.

Know it All: Of Jewish Philosophers and Doctors

Chaim Trachtman squares biology with Spinoza and Maimonides.