Serpentine Psychology and Booming Babel

Shalom Carmy argues why Torah u-Madda is more relevant now than it ever was.

Anonymous Leadership:  The Emotional Drama in Ishay Ribo’s Seder ha-Avodah

Shira Hecht-Koller and Aaron Koller explore the worship of the Kohen Gadol through the voice of Ishay Ribo.

Seinfeld at Your Seder

Esther Lindell reviews “The Haggadah about Nothing,” Rabbi Sam Reinstein’s not-too-serious exploration of how the Haggadah relates to Seinfeld, the ever-popular 90s sitcom.

The Will is Man’s Only Property: A Reading of a Short Passage from Mr....

Who was Monsieur Shoshani, the mysterious and brilliant teacher of some of the greatest 20th century Jewish thinkers? A new look into recently published notebooks of this important figure may help solve the puzzle. David Lang, Yoel Finkelman, and Admiel Kosman offer a commentary and analysis of one such enigmatic passage.

Reclaiming Dignity Reviewed

How successful is the new book, Reclaiming Dignity: A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women, at setting forth a new Torah-based vision for modesty? Laurie Novick offers a careful review, carefully considering both the personal essays and halakhic/hashkafic analyses set forward in this important work.

A Modern Orthodox Hedgehog for a Postmodern World: Part 2

In part 1, Gil Perl argued that Modern Orthodox is in need of a Hedgehog Concept and put forward Or (la-)Goyim as a candidate for that role. In part 2, he details what this might look like in practice and why it would appeal to our youth in a post-modern world.

Hilkhot Nashim: A Cautious Revolution 

Gila Bieler-Hoch reviews Hilkhot Nashim, published by JOFA and Maggid Books.

That Which Is Beyond Your Gates

In this imaginative short story from David Zvi Kalman, as synagogue attendance shrinks, the buildings themselves begin to grow.

Why Are Women Obligated in Some Time-Bound Positive Commandments and Exempt from Others? A...

Michael Broyde offers a new theory for why halakhah obligates women in some time-bound positive mitzvot and exempts them from others.

Charismatic Leaders and Spiritual Seekers: A Review of Jews in the Age of Authenticity

Yael Unterman reviews a new book exploring the limits religious authenticity and Judaism.