Anonymous Leadership:  The Emotional Drama in Ishay Ribo’s Seder ha-Avodah

Shira Hecht-Koller and Aaron Koller explore the worship of the Kohen Gadol through the voice of Ishay Ribo.

Ve-Atah Banim Shiru La-Melekh – People Over Angels on Shavuot

What can a medieval piyut (and famous modern chassidic tune) teach us about people's superiority over angels? Yitzchak Szyf explores how our Shavuot liturgy proclaims man's partnership with God in Torah.

Before, After, and During: Yehuda Amichai’s “Beterem”

In this timely article, Wendy Zierler examines how Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai's "Beterem" can provide readers with the inspiration they need leading up to the Days of Awe

Jeremiah Lockwood’s New Cantorial Blues Album, Kol Nidre, is a Yom Kippur Dream

Hillel Broder reviews the latest release from Jeremiah Lockwood.

Wake Up Sleeping One! Yehudah Ha-Levi’s Dramatic Use of Genre and Narrative Voice in...

Yaakov Jaffe examines Yehudah Ha-Levi's High Holiday poem "Yashen, Al Teradam"

The Parenthetical Problem of Alenu

Zev Eleff on a perennially interesting portion of the liturgy.

Passover’s Rupture and Reconstruction

Yosef Lindell argues that the Haggadah focuses on the story of the Exodus rather than on the laws of the paschal sacrifice as a way of looking forward towards the future redemption.

Would the Rav Approve of the Soloveitchik Siddur?

Yaakov Jaffe on the Rav, prayer and Modern Orthodox Jews who wish to pray like the Rav.

A Festive Song with an Unclear Message: Uncovering the Meaning of Maoz Tzur

Yaakov Jaffe delves into two possible themes of the song Maoz Tzur.

On the Freedom to Pray: A Response to Professor Jonathan Sarna

Jonathan Muskat responds to Jonathan Sarna regarding a proposed change in the text of the Orthodox Jewish prayer for the government.